Status |
Field Value |
Comment |
Uncleared |
0 |
Trade not cleared |
Wait |
1 |
Clear created but not sent to exchange |
ClearingRequested |
2 |
Clearing requested by operator (matching
engine/ LISA client / Gateway) |
PartialClearingRequested |
3 |
Partial clearing requested by operator (matching engine/ LISA client /
Gateway) |
ClearingInProgress |
4 |
Clearing in progress. Request have been sent
to exchange by Gateway |
Cancelled |
5 |
(Partial) Clearing Request cancellation |
ClearError |
6 |
Clearing error. Exchange or internal software
error. |
Unmatched |
7 |
Unmatched. |
ClearWrittenInLso |
8 |
Status used only by generic GTW for clear
objects (not trade) to prevent that a same clear be written several
times in the lso file |
ClearingInProgressMultiple |
9 |
Clearing in progress Multiple. Used in cases where we have two separate GTW
IN/OUT (for example EUREX) |
RiskWarning |
10 |
Risk warning. The order exceed
one or several risk limits and must be accepted by a user to be matched |
RiskAccepted |
11 |
The order exceed one or several risk limits and
is accepted by a user, it can be matched |
Disabled |
12 |
Status Disabled |
Busted |
13 |
Trade cancelled by exchange |
Unchanged |
14 |
Trade keep its
previous clear status |
ReleasePending |
20 |
Release Pending |
GiveUpPending |
30 |
Pending give up (sending broker) |
GiveUpRejected |
31 |
Rejected give up (by receiving broker) |
GiveUpCancelled |
32 |
Cancelled give up (by sending broker) |
GiveUpCancelRequested |
33 |
Cancel give up request (by sending broker) |
GiveUpCreation |
34 |
Give up designation |
GiveUpUndesignated |
35 |
PartialGiveUpPending |
36 |
GiveUpDeleted |
37 |
MarkedAsAPS |
40 |
MarkedAsAPSWithoutGroupID |
41 |
Specific for CME where an APS group is created with no GroupID. |
ClearingInProgressMultipleGrouped |
50 |
Clearing in progress Multiple used for EUREX
for splits with more than 20 legs to designate the legs that are grouped
together |
GiveInPending |
60 |
Pending give in (receiving broker) |
GiveInRejected |
61 |
Rejected give in (by receiving broker) |
GiveInCancelled |
62 |
Cancelled give in (by sending broker) |
GiveInRejectRequested |
63 |
Reject give in request (by receiving broker) |
GiveInCreation |
64 |
Give in designation |
GiveInTaken |
65 |
Give in taken |
TransferPending |
66 |
Transfer in Pending |
TransferRejected |
67 |
Transfer Rejected |
GroupUncompleted |
70 |
Group (is / has been) uncompleted |
Used for trade submition
(CME Clearport, LME...) |
SubmitRequested |
71 |
SubmitInProgress |
72 |
SubmitError |
73 |
ReversalPending |
80 |
ReversalRequested |
81 |
ReversalAccepted |
82 |
ReversalRejected |
83 |
ReversalCancelled |
84 |
Deleted |
99 |
Status Deleted |
From 100, all values represent a
cleared status |
PartiallyCleared (LISA) |
100 |
Trade partially cleared |
Cleared (LISA) |
101 |
Trade cleared |
Cleared |
1000 |
Trade Partially cleared(TEO) |
Cleared |
1001 |
Trade Cleared(TEO) |
Wait |
1020 |
Wait |